Retreats 2017-2018
This page lists previous talks Joanne has given at retreats. The most recent retreat talks are listed first.
Cape Retreat, September 2018
Offered by the Cape Sangha at the Craigville Retreat Center.
Cape 2018, 1: Reconnecting with Our Inner Wisdom and True Nature, September 2018. Joanne introduces how practicing mindfulness in silence can create a "clearing," conditions to learn about one's habits of mind and ultimately, choose where to place one's mind. We are asked to reflect: What is my deepest aspiration? What is my deepest concern? (39 min.)
Cape 2018, 2: Taking Care of our Consciousness. Joanne describes why it is important to take care of ourselves and our minds in order to more skillfully think, speak and act. Awareness of interbeing, and cultivation of fearlessness and self-compassion helps us to remain in the present moment. (68 min.)
Guided Meditation
Cape 2018, Awareness of the Breath. Joanne offers a guided meditation on awareness of the breath and body, releasing tension, awareness of thoughts and letting them go in order to stop, rest, calm and heal. With a calm mind and calm body, inner wisdom can be heard. (22 min.)
Cape 2018, 3: Understanding Our Own Suffering and Opening Our Hearts to Others. Joanne discusses the Eight Realizations of Great Beings and and the practice and benefits of Beginning Anew. How embracing our suffering leads to healing ourselves and our relationships with others. (82 min.)
Cape 2018, Talk 4: Taking the Practice into Daily Life. Joanne discusses embracing impermanence to let go of of fear — and how to live with illness, aging, and loss. Foundational is watering seeds of joy to balance the inevitable occurrence of suffering. (82 min.)
Guided Meditation
Cape 2018, Deep Relaxation. Joanne leads a progressive relaxation of the body followed by a meditation on how we are linked to our blood and spiritual ancestors, and how we are connected to the infinite wisdom of the cosmos. Ends with Joanne singing Libby Roderick's "How Could Anyone." (33 min.)
Won Dharma Center, July 2018
Celebrating Silence, Cultivating Peace. Offered by Berkshire Mountain Laurel Sangha.
Won 2018, 1: Introduction to the Benefits of Mindfulness. An introduction as to why mindfulness is so valuable, and attainable in our daily lives. (50 min.)
Won 2018, 2: Understanding and Embracing Suffering. Discusses the importance of stopping and being in the present moment. Explains the nature of suffering, and the value of learning to mindfully embrace —rather than avoid — our own suffering. (62 min.)
Guided Meditation
Won 2018: The Strengths of Our Ancestors are Alive in Us. A guided sitting, walking meditation, and a meditation on the strengths of our blood and spiritual ancestors, gratitude for the miracle of life, and our connection to the entire cosmos. Ends with "A Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness." (52 min.)
Won 2018, 3: Practicing in Daily Life. Joanne summarizes the themes of the retreat and shares practices that we can use to transform our suffering, heal the past and resolve conflicts in ourselves and with others. (73 min.)
Won 2018, 4: Questions and Answers. Joanne shares strategies for mindful living and answers questions in applying Buddhism to everyday life. (75 min)
Aldersgate Retreat, May 2018
The Joy of Being at Peace: With Ourselves, Each Other and Life As It Is. Offered by the Rhode Island Community of Mindfulness.
Aldersgate 2018, 1: Introduction to the Retreat and to the Practice. Bringing the retreat experience into everyday life, including full awareness of the breath, daily happiness practice, mindful speech, letting go, and finding joy and gratitude in the present moment. Ends with guided relaxation. (43 min.)
Aldersgate 2018, 2: Making Good Use of Our Suffering. Joanne shares the importance of silence, finding gratitude and joy in the midst of suffering, and staying grounded in the present moment. She shares how to recognize misperceptions and let go of opinions and judgments. How do we cultivate compassion for self and others by recognizing interbeing? (56 min.)
Aldersgate 2018, 3: Overcoming Obstacles. Joanne shares how to gain freedom from our habits of mind by overcoming the fear and attachment that can keep us "stuck" in unwholesome patterns of thinking and acting. By learning to stop and breathe mindfully instead of automatically reacting, we can transform how we experience life. (72 min.)